Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dogs on the Beach

Do dogs love the beach?  Oh, yeah.  Here's two cuties whose portrait I just finished.  When we travel with Sarge, our boxer, I check to find dog friendly beaches at Dogfriendly.  We found an awesome beach in St. Augustine that way.  We love Cocoa Beach and had planned on our roadtrip last fall to spend the night there but their anti-dog beach policies changed our minds.  Love my dog, you know?

My own town is so anti-dog that it doesn't permit them in ANY area of ANY park in the whole town.  Dogs are an incredible way to introduce humans to others that would never have the occasion to meet and bond neighbors in a neighborhood.  But in my town, better for everyone to sit in their houses watching t.v. alone than venture onto a park bench to socialize with their best friends.  I guess.

Sarge does have "friends" who he visits on our long walks, he knows when he's approaching a fenced back yard with a dog and starts that "boxer wiggle"!

Anyway, for those artists out there wanting the details on the dog portrait:  8" x 10", prismacolor colored pencils on a tan Mi-Tientes pastel paper.  Matted out to 11 x 14".  I worked from about 10 was the pose but it was backlit with a setting sun so the faces were all but obscured.  I was fortunate that my client had a ton of photos, so I was able to get facial details and color details. 

By the way, if you are considering a custom portrait of a pet or a child for a Mother's Day gift, now's the time to put in the order!  I always have a waiting list and work in the order I receive them.  My custom pet portrait website is, or order through my Etsy shop.

I hope you're able to take your dog to the parks near you and this summer to the dog friendly beaches!  These little guys prove how much dogs love an adventure outdoors!  Robin


Jennifer Rose said...

people would freak out if you couldn't take your dog to the park here, and as long as the dog is under control and not aggressive, they can be off lead. there are some beaches that have leash laws, especially nature reserves, so that any animals can live in peace, but even then you can still bring your dog to the beach.

sky loves the beach, well not the water part :p hates that part but loves running on the sand :)

Robin said...

It's a sin how undog friendly my town is.