Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Boxer Puppies - Sarge and Hoss play tug of war

Boxer Puppies Play Tug of War, who won?
Two boxer puppies plus one old stuffed animal equals.....a giant tug of war that literally had the fur...I mean stuffing...flying!

This is Sarge at 9 months with his half brother, Hoss, at 7 months enjoying the spoils of war.

I was happy to contribute the old stuffed animal to their fun, it was a great distraction while I worked on a portrait commisison of a beautiful Rottweiller. 

But as you can see, I am paying for the distraction with clean up time.  It's great to babysit Hoss on occasion, they just have so much fun!

1 comment:

Jennifer Rose said...

looks like they had a lot of fun ;p