Monday, March 15, 2010

Cookie Chihuahua Portrait - Not snatched away by a hawk!

Basking in the sunshine, Cookie posed like the star she is!  Her "owner" (I use quotation marks, because I think they own US not the other way around!) commissioned this portrait of a tiny chihuahua.

I'd forgotten about it, I don't like to post online til my client receives the portrait in the mail and I got busy with other things.  But news recently that a chihuahua had been picked up by a hawk and then released unharmed reminded me of tiny Cookie!

Can you imagine what went through that doggie's mind?  Terror?  Or, for the unflappable type, just enjoyed the ride?

I enjoyed painting Cookie's portrait in colored pencils; she's the first long haired chi I've even done. I hope I'll get more chihuahua commissions, such cute dogs!!

Here's my Pet and Childrens Portrait site.  And I've love to have you visit my facebook page all about my art.  It's  You don't have to be a facebook "friend" to visit or become a fan of my art page.  Of course, I like being friends, too!

Thanks for visiting!   love comments! Robin Zebley


Ande said...

Wonderful portrait! You are so talented. As I've said before, when I get flush, you'll be getting a call to do my Springers (gone and current) :)

Robin said...

Awww, thanks Ande!!! I can't wait to get the commission, because not only will I have fun doing it, but it will mean YOU are on top of the world, too!