Friday, December 4, 2009

Tiger Painting in Colored Pencil "Jungle Look"

Here's a tiger I painted just for fun in colored pencil.  Or did I draw it?  Never know what to say...if you're a fellow colored pencil or pastel artist, you know the controversy...the pigment isn't wet, so it's a drawing?  Or...the pigment totally covers the support in swaths of color, not lines, so it's a painting?  Anyway, I really enjoyed this piece!  I used a copyright free photo of the tiger himself.  But what surrounds this big cat is what made it totally "mine"! 
I wanted it to really look like he was in a thick bamboo forest.  So the combo of the dark, mysterious and misty background and teh more detailed dense bamboo foreground were essential to make it look like you suddenly encountered this guy while on your adventure...or while lost...

It's 11 x 14 prismacolors on Mi Tientes pastel paper. 

He's kicking off my Christmas Animal Art sale on my sister blog: .  Pass it on!!


Jennifer Rose said...

great job with the eyes, very piercing looking :) I say drawing, but I think thats probably because thats what I heard it called for years

Robin said...

I go back and forth with what to call it. Shows would call it a drawing. But my customers usually call it a painting. Whatever!

Quilt Works said...

Very beautiful - such bright colors!

Robin said...

Thanks, Quilt Works!