Sunday, November 29, 2009

Off to the Races!

I love this time of year, because it is always such a challenge!  Can I do what I have to do by the time I have to do it? 

My deadline for commissions is a week before Christmas.  I've had years where I was overnighting on Christmas Eve Eve. 

I also really want to have some smaller gift paintings done and up for sale for gift giving in the next week or so.  So clear the decks, the house is clean, the garden ready for winter, any promoting and marketing done and done!  Time to fit as much art into my day as I can without compromising quality.  Cheer me on? Robin

My Pet Portrait site is  My Facebook Art Page is  I tweet as robinzebley, join me somewhere...I'm there!!! Robin


Susan said...

Yes we'll be keeping Dunkin' Donuts and StarBucks in fine form this season!

Robin said...

Ha, ha. That's why I have to walk Otto so much...