Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Baby and Dog Group Custom Portrait from Photos

Custom Portrait from Photos
First custom portrait of this holiday season was of two little guys, one a brand new baby, one a more mature canine!  As usual, I have to apologise for my photo skills, I can't seem to get details and the transition to those cute pink cheeks is not that dramatic!  But you get the idea.

My client gave this as a gift for the grandparents of both of them.  Since the child and the dog live miles apart, I needed to work with separate photos.  And for a background, we used the quilt that my client had made especially for the baby!  I toned it down a bit, that gorgeous quilt could have been a portrait all its own.  My favorite part?  Doing the fuzzball head!  I forgot how downy and fuzzy those little guy's hair can be!

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