We love Kevin Bacon here in Philadelphia, he's a local boy! But his father, Edmund Bacon, was a city planner and we dog lovers really love him. He made sure there was plenty of green space where dogs...and their "owners" could congregate and socialize.
In fact, he felt that "dog space" was crucial to a friendly, social city environment. And he was so right!

My recent stroll in Rittenhouse Square Park shows lots of dogs..and their owners, hanging out. You see folks chatting who don't seem to "go together", and whose paths probably would never cross...lawyers and dishwashes and students and little old ladies...whose furry friends bring them together for conversation and fresh air. This isn't even a "dog park", but dogs are welcome there.
And the dogs! Besides the squirrel stares (see above!) the dogs get socialized as pups in a way that the backyard simply can't do. Across the park, at outdoor cafes, you see dogs politely observing the goings on as their owners enjoy drinks or dinner.
Dogs enjoy ...and need...the social life as much as we do! I've heard people say they can't have a dog because they don't have a backyard. NOT TRUE! We raised Otto the first 5 years of his life in a rowhouse. 3 times a day walks were necessary and FUN! He met up with his buddies and his buddies' owners became friends. Not only were the dogs not fat, but the owners weren't either. Great fitness, as well. In fact, I think backyards are kinda lonely places for an "only" dog...yet some rescues insist on it. And I think they are wrong.
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